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  • Apple Co-Founder Took Interest in Bitcoin When It Was Still Priced at $700

Apple Co-Founder Took Interest in Bitcoin When It Was Still Priced at $700

From the beginning of 2017 a Bitcoin has trebled the price and recently has reached record level above 3000 dollars. Though there are more many fears that the Bitcoin is a usual artificial bubble, the Wozniak, seemingly, considers that the Bitcoin has some factor of growth.

Co-founder Apple Steve Wozniak in interview CNBC has told that it too invested in Bitcoins when the price for a coin made 700 dollars.

The Wozniak has declared during interview that does not put means in Bitcoins for reception of monetary profit. Instead to it it is curious, as this technology and as other people can earn on it works. When it invested, the Wozniak has made the first investments when the Bitcoin cost 700 dollars which price has fallen to 350 dollars. To it also it was curious, as the Bitcoin can be used for purchase and sale of the goods, and also how it is used for fee. Its initial investments into a Bitcoin already would make to it small profit if he has sold them at the current price, the Wozniak has declared that one of its main things curiosities was in basic technology of a Bitcoin as the technical genius wanted to know how it works and as it facilitates safety of Transactions. With growth of interest to Bitcoins various industries include the basic technology for optimisation of existing processes and destruction of their branch.

According to an interview with Tapscott CEO, Don Tapscott, he thinks that the Blockchain technology will affect the whole world because it involves powerful protocol that can transfer financial transactions without having to go through powerful third party financial entities like banks. In fact, Blockchain technology is seen to improve various sectors including finance, entertainment and even politics in the near future.


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